2021 Barunga Festival - ‘Wimun walkin on Kantri’ 

W I M U N  W A L K I N G 
O N  K A N T R I 

This project showcased the talent in the youth and quality of products from five communities whose for some were their first time to Katherine and Barunga Festival.

This pilot project focused on showcasing Indigenous fashion + textiles and empowerment of young women through the on country workshops and fashion performance.

FNFD will work with Skinnyfish Music and the Barunga community to present the project in a way that is mutually beneficial for all parties, particularly the local community and the Indigenous women from remote communities who will be participating. Project managed by Alison Copley.

The FNFD model is:

  • To work with remote communities who travel to Barunga Festival annually
  • Provide a project that can offer another option for their young women at Barunga Festival to participate in the FNFD fashion program.
  • Each visiting art centre invited to bring 2 to 3 young women to the Festival to model those items in a unique and culturally appropriate performance specifically designed and presented by FNFD.
  • FNFD worked with five remote NT Indigenous art centres participated in the project being, Anindilyakwa Arts (Groote Island) , Babbarra Women’s Centre (Maningrida), Merrpen Arts, Nauyui (Daly River) and Djilpn Arts and Ngukurr Arts.
  • FNFD worked with a total of 12 women including 2 Elders + 10 Youth participated in project.

Photography by Luke Currie Richardson


P R O J E C T  P R O U D L Y 
S U P P O R T E D  B Y